Gear & Graith is dedicated to exploring different aspects of Daily Life during the Viking Age.
As a craftsman I make reproductions based on artefacts uncovered by Archaeologists.
As a Living History Specialist I take them into Classrooms and heritage events across the country, encouraging children to discover our Viking past!

Viking School Visits
Based in Central Scotland, on the northern frontier of the ancient Kingdom of Strathclyde, I'm ideally placed to travel widely, so if you're interested in booking a School Visit or workshop, check out my Schools & Outreach & Pop-Up Museum pages!
Viking Reproductions
I make a wide variety of usable Reproductions, made as close to the originals as possible, for my own handling collections and general sale. I'm updating how I sell online at the moment, and this should be finalised in the next month or so. In the meantime you can contact me directly and I'll see what I can do!